An (Extremely) belated 4th of July post
Hey Y'all! As the title explains, I am (finally!) posting about the 4th, a month later. I know, I know, that's procrastinating. I'm working on that, I promise! So here we go: We arrived rather late (whoops), and went immediately to play in the creek. Since there were some certain children that were splashing, I decided not to risk getting my camera wet. My friends resting, staying hydrated. It was so hot that day! After a little while our wonderful planner Charity had some games prepared for the kids. For the younger kids, she had them painting, while the older ones were Tossing Water Balloons, volleyball, and . . . Sack races! Waiting for the race to start with anticipation. Watching the sack and three-legged race. We also had a pie competition. Here is one of the judges, overlooking the splendid array of artwork on the pies ;-) Each pie judge had their own "region" of pies to taste. The three judges discussing their favorit...