A Fresh Start

School ended. Finally, some free time to refocus on my interests that have been pushed aside for school. I decided to take a look at my blog and get ready with some new posts - maybe think up some fresh new content, right?

Ew. The blog had a serious antique early 2000's vibe going on. I cringed when I opened it up.

What can I say? When I was younger I enjoyed the antique look and thought it was mature at the time. Now, I'm in a new season of my life. I see the world differently, and it's time for a fresh start.

I'm not the same person. I can express my thoughts, feelings, and aspirations a lot better now than when I was fifteen. I have a better grasp of my beliefs and convictions. I have different friends, people who are willing to stretch me in painful, yet necessary ways. Now, I'm not afraid to reveal myself as I truly am. Before, I didn't want to show myself as I am; I wanted to convey that I was completely mature without a hint of silliness. I wanted to be the kind of girl that could carry on deep conversations with my elders, but I thought that to be like that I had to suppress who I truly was.

It didn't help that there were people literally trying to change me.

They didn't like my personality, and therefore the best way they thought they could help me was to constantly "put me down" a notch or two. Trying to push me into a box wasn't health - I didn't experience true growth, mentally, or spiritually. Instead of focusing on my development as a person, I tried to tailor my personality to please the people who I thought were my friends. For two years I have been trying to heal from the damage with the help of God and my parents. I believe I'm ready to share my life again. Will I be deleting my old posts? No. I have to acknowledge that part of my life because the experiences I went through have shaped me into who I am today.

I hope that this will be an encouragement to all of you. I'm just a small town southerner who enjoys telling stories and loving people. My voice is just one of billions, but unique in its own way.

I'm hoping to schedule some posts that deal with a variety of topics, such as rants, photography, quotes, fashion, and everyday life.

Love y'all so much! Thank you for your patience with me. Y'all are the best!


  1. Yeah, Andrea!!! Looking forward to following your fresh start and getting to hear and experience what the Lord is doing in your life. I'm so blessed to call you a lovely friend and sister in Christ. I love you!

    1. Thank you so much, dear friend!! Love you so much, and miss you!


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