
Hey Y'all!
(Before I share about our camping trip, I have to show y'all a picture of the youngest child of some of my friends)
Aww, isn't he adorable?!?!
 (Sorry, just had to share him with you.)

So, in the beginning of October, our church had a camping trip at a local State Park.
I will admit, I did not take many pictures, because I was having a lot of fun. The few I did take were taken with all my readers in mind.
It was an awesome time of fellowship, friendship, and eating.
 I don't have many good pictures of our first night.
David. Full of Drama.

My gorgeous friend, Emma-Grace.
 My friend Emma-Grace and yours truly!
Nathanael, Emma-Grace's brother.

The first night the campers from my church were kind of divided, because we were rather spread out. We were basically divided in two groups of three families. We talked, and made s'mores, talked, ate marshmallows, talked, and talked so much (well, this is mostly because we loved to talk, Emma-Grace, her family, and my family), that we went to bed at about mid-night. Yeah. I know. But honey, we just had so much to talk about!

2nd day:
Well, needless to say, My family woke up a little later than expected.  There was a rock close to our camp-site, so Emma-Grace and I headed over there to do our devotionals. The air was crisp, the leaves were beautiful, red and gold, and you could hear the birds singing, and flying through the trees. The passage we read was Psalm 19. Here are a couple of verses:

1-The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork...
14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.  

Then we spent more time talking. You may be wondering " But... But... Didn't you talk until mid-night the night before, and you still find more to talk about?!?!" Honey, remember this: I'm a southern gal, and so is Emma-Grace, and plus, life isn't boring! There is plenty to talk about!
In the afternoon we decided to go and have a time of recreation. We were having soo much fun! There was a field close to the campground, so we went to play a game of capture the flag, but there was one draw back: I forgot to take my camera with me!
After playing. We were so, so tired. We were resting, snacking, talking, snacking, joking, snacking, etc.

Lydia, and someone's hand caught red-handed.
My college friend, Amanda. So glad that this day her classes were over with early so she could come join us to play!!!
Juliet. Isn't she a cutie?

That evening we gathered together for a potluck meal. It. Was. So. GOOD!!! The meal was absolutely amazing, with meat cooked  over a fire, and rice, well, that was cooked in an ordinary crock-pot. But I guess fresh air gives one good appetite, and we were also running around, so most of the kids were ravenous like wolves.
Mr. Gardner telling his son about.... something. This was really sweet to see, a father talking, actually talking to his son, and seeing the son interested and attentive to what his dad was saying.
Getting wood on the fire-pit, and eagerly awaiting a treat: S'mores!
Unfortunately, I do not have any more good pictures.
 I hope you enjoyed it all as we did!


  1. Hi Andrea, I couldn't find your email on this site...But I did want to let your fam know that Brenna is here and maybe send you guys a couple of pics. Would you mind sending me your email address? Thanks! -Tita (just in case my info doesn't show)


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